Steam company of heroes legacy edition
Steam company of heroes legacy edition

steam company of heroes legacy edition

You will have to download the new Steam Version to continue to play on the new steamworks server, YOU ARE NOT REQUIRED TO DOWNLOAD THE OLD VERSIONS OF THE GAME.

steam company of heroes legacy edition

Relic have moved to the new steamworks servers to countinue support for the game (plus that CoH 2 will run on the same servers), we don't know if there will be any further updates but you will have to add your product keys to steam so you can get access to the new Steam Version of the game, if you forgot them/lost the disk, go on the Company of Heroes official site and go to the CoH section (not the CoH 2 one), there will be a topic stickied about this, there just follow the instructions, if you already don't know where your disk/s is/are and have't wrote your product keys anywhere just go to this link: (sometimes it won't work but keep trying, it worked for me on the 3rd try). The servers on which we played on were old ones (which THQ rented) and they were shut down because of this.

steam company of heroes legacy edition

As you may all have heard, our beloved THQ has bankrupted and Sega has outbid every other company for Relic, Company of Heroes and Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War along with it.

Steam company of heroes legacy edition